Pinehill Hospital installs digital fluoroscopy system to improve patient throughput

9 February 2009

Pinehill Hospital, a private hospital based in Hertfordshire, England, has installed a Siemens AXIOM Luminos dRF digital fluoroscopy system for urinary tract examinations, such as cystograms and intravenous urograms (IVUs) and for arthrography imaging to enhance joint procedures such as hip or knee replacements.

The system was selected for its digital capabilities, enhanced flexibility and compatibility with PACS. The digital capabilities of the Luminos dRF have assisted with improving patient throughput at the hospital. Clinicians have attributed this to reduced procedure time when compared to the previous analogue system.

Images are acquired at the touch of a button and delivered in excellent quality. They can then be manipulated for optimal viewing by adjusting contrast levels. The innovative design of the system also means that the amount of dose patients are submitted to is greatly reduced.

“The imaging process of the system has reduced procedure time by as much as 50%. This has had a dramatic affect on the number of patients we can treat,” said Chessty Muntanga, Radiology Manager at Pinehill Hospital.  “Previously with the analogue system, hip replacement examinations would take approximately 15 minutes, now we can do them in eight minutes.”

“The digital capabilities and flexibility of the system will make procedures easier for clinicians and reduce anxiety in patients,” said Khalid Oozeer, Applications Specialist at Siemens Healthcare. “Furthermore, the reduced examination time will assist the hospital with increased workload and make it possible for them to consider new procedures.”

A further key benefit of the system identified by clinicians is the ability to adjust the height of the table at the press of a button, relieving the operator of any strain. This is particularly useful when treating patients with limited mobility and those with knee or hip replacements, as it can be lowered to a more accessible height.  The system’s flexibility is complemented by its compact design, enabling better access and more space, thus saving time and ensuring accurate patient positioning.

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